Callback Macros

These macros are used to register and execute callbacks extending from uvm_callbacks.




Registers the given CB callback type with the given T object type.  If a type-callback pair is not registered then a warning is issued if an attempt is made to use the pair (add, delete, etc.).

The registration will typically occur in the component that executes the given type of callback.  For instance:

virtual class mycb extends uvm_callback;
  virtual function void doit();

class my_comp extends uvm_component;
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit())



Defines the super type of T to be ST.  This allows for derived class objects to inherit typewide callbacks that are registered with the base class.

The registration will typically occur in the component that executes the given type of callback.  For instance:

virtual class mycb extend uvm_callback;
  virtual function void doit();

class my_comp extends uvm_component;
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit())

class my_derived_comp extends my_comp;
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit())



Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object (i.e.  this object), which is or is based on type T.

This macro executes all of the callbacks associated with the calling object (i.e.  this object).  The macro takes three arguments:

  • CB is the class type of the callback objects to execute.  The class type must have a function signature that matches the METHOD argument.
  • T is the type associated with the callback.  Typically, an instance of type T is passed as one the arguments in the METHOD call.
  • METHOD is the method call to invoke, with all required arguments as if they were invoked directly.

For example, given the following callback class definition

virtual class mycb extends uvm_cb;
  pure function void my_function (mycomp comp, int addr, int data);

A component would invoke the macro as

task mycomp::run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
   int curr_addr, curr_data;
   `uvm_do_callbacks(mycb, mycomp, my_function(this, curr_addr, curr_data))



Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks based on type CB registered with the given object, OBJ, which is or is based on type T.

This macro is identical to `uvm_do_callbacks macro, but it has an additional OBJ argument to allow the specification of an external object to associate the callback with.  For example, if the callbacks are being applied in a sequence, OBJ could be specified as the associated sequencer or parent sequence.

`uvm_do_callbacks(mycb, mycomp, seqr, my_function(seqr, curr_addr, curr_data))



Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object (i.e.  this object), which is or is based on type T, returning upon the first callback returning the bit value given by VAL.

This macro executes all of the callbacks associated with the calling object (i.e.  this object).  The macro takes three arguments:

  • CB is the class type of the callback objects to execute.  The class type must have a function signature that matches the METHOD argument.
  • T is the type associated with the callback.  Typically, an instance of type T is passed as one the arguments in the METHOD call.
  • METHOD is the method call to invoke, with all required arguments as if they were invoked directly.
  • VAL, if 1, says return upon the first callback invocation that returns 1.  If 0, says return upon the first callback invocation that returns 0.

For example, given the following callback class definition

virtual class mycb extends uvm_cb;
  pure function bit drop_trans (mycomp comp, my_trans trans);

A component would invoke the macro as

task mycomp::run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
   my_trans trans;
   forever begin
     if(do_callbacks(trans) == 0)
       uvm_report_info("DROPPED",{"trans dropped: %s",trans.convert2string()});
       // execute transaction
function bit do_callbacks(my_trans);
  // Returns 0 if drop happens and 1 otherwise
  `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on(mycomp, mycb, extobj, drop_trans(this,trans), 1)



Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the given object OBJ, which must be or be based on type T, and returns upon the first callback that returns the bit value given by VAL.  It is exactly the same as the `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on but has a specific object instance (instead of the implicit this instance) as the third argument.

 // Exit with 0 if a callback returns a 1
 `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on(mycomp, mycb, seqr, drop_trans(seqr,trans), 1)