The uvm_report_object provides an interface to the UVM reporting facility. Through this interface, components issue the various messages that occur during simulation. Users can configure what actions are taken and what file(s) are output for individual messages from a particular component or for all messages from all components in the environment. Defaults are applied where there is no explicit configuration.
Most methods in uvm_report_object are delegated to an internal instance of an uvm_report_handler, which stores the reporting configuration and determines whether an issued message should be displayed based on that configuration. Then, to display a message, the report handler delegates the actual formatting and production of messages to a central uvm_report_server.
A report consists of an id string, severity, verbosity level, and the textual message itself. They may optionally include the filename and line number from which the message came. If the verbosity level of a report is greater than the configured maximum verbosity level of its report object, it is ignored. If a report passes the verbosity filter in effect, the report’s action is determined. If the action includes output to a file, the configured file descriptor(s) are determined.
Actions | can be set for (in increasing priority) severity, id, and (severity,id) pair. They include output to the screen UVM_DISPLAY, whether the message counters should be incremented UVM_COUNT, and whether a $finish should occur UVM_EXIT. |
Default Actions | The following provides the default actions assigned to each severity. These can be overridden by any of the set_*_action methods. |
File descriptors | These can be set by (in increasing priority) default, severity level, an id, or (severity,id) pair. File descriptors are standard verilog file descriptors; they may refer to more than one file. It is the user’s responsibility to open and close them. |
Default file handle | The default file handle is 0, which means that reports are not sent to a file even if an UVM_LOG attribute is set in the action associated with the report. This can be overridden by any of the set_*_file methods. |
uvm_report_object | ||||
The uvm_report_object provides an interface to the UVM reporting facility. | ||||
Class Hierarchy | ||||
| ||||
Class Declaration | ||||
| ||||
new | Creates a new report object with the given name. | |||
Reporting | ||||
uvm_report | ||||
uvm_report_info | ||||
uvm_report_warning | ||||
uvm_report_error | ||||
uvm_report_fatal | These are the primary reporting methods in the UVM. | |||
Callbacks | ||||
report_info_hook | ||||
report_error_hook | ||||
report_warning_hook | ||||
report_fatal_hook | ||||
report_hook | These hook methods can be defined in derived classes to perform additional actions when reports are issued. | |||
report_header | Prints version and copyright information. | |||
report_summarize | Outputs statistical information on the reports issued by the central report server. | |||
die | This method is called by the report server if a report reaches the maximum quit count or has an UVM_EXIT action associated with it, e.g., as with fatal errors. | |||
Configuration | ||||
set_report_verbosity_level | This method sets the maximum verbosity level for reports for this component. | |||
set_report_id_verbosity | ||||
set_report_severity_id_verbosity | These methods associate the specified verbosity with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. | |||
set_report_severity_action | ||||
set_report_id_action | ||||
set_report_severity_id_action | These methods associate the specified action or actions with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. | |||
set_report_severity_override | ||||
set_report_severity_id_override | These methods provide the ability to upgrade or downgrade a message in terms of severity given severity and id. | |||
set_report_default_file | ||||
set_report_severity_file | ||||
set_report_id_file | ||||
set_report_severity_id_file | These methods configure the report handler to direct some or all of its output to the given file descriptor. | |||
get_report_verbosity_level | Gets the verbosity level in effect for this object. | |||
get_report_action | Gets the action associated with reports having the given severity and id. | |||
get_report_file_handle | Gets the file descriptor associated with reports having the given severity and id. | |||
uvm_report_enabled | Returns 1 if the configured verbosity for this severity/id is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not UVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0. | |||
set_report_max_quit_count | Sets the maximum quit count in the report handler to max_count. | |||
Setup | ||||
set_report_handler | Sets the report handler, overwriting the default instance. | |||
get_report_handler | Returns the underlying report handler to which most reporting tasks are delegated. | |||
reset_report_handler | Resets the underlying report handler to its default settings. | |||
get_report_server | Returns the uvm_report_server instance associated with this report object. | |||
dump_report_state | This method dumps the internal state of the report handler. |
function new( string name = "" )
Creates a new report object with the given name. This method also creates a new uvm_report_handler object to which most tasks are delegated.
virtual function void uvm_report( uvm_severity severity, string id, string message, int verbosity = (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_ERROR)) ? UVM_LOW : (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_FATAL)) ? UVM_NONE : UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_info( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_warning( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_error( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_LOW, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_fatal( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_NONE, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
These are the primary reporting methods in the UVM. Using these instead of $display and other ad hoc approaches ensures consistent output and central control over where output is directed and any actions that result. All reporting methods have the same arguments, although each has a different default verbosity:
id | a unique id for the report or report group that can be used for identification and therefore targeted filtering. You can configure an individual report’s actions and output file(s) using this id string. |
message | the message body, preformatted if necessary to a single string. |
verbosity | the verbosity of the message, indicating its relative importance. If this number is less than or equal to the effective verbosity level, see set_report_verbosity_level, then the report is issued, subject to the configured action and file descriptor settings. Verbosity is ignored for warnings, errors, and fatals. However, if a warning, error or fatal is demoted to an info message using the uvm_report_catcher, then the verbosity is taken into account. |
filename/line | (Optional) The location from which the report was issued. Use the predefined macros, `__FILE__ and `__LINE__. If specified, it is displayed in the output. |
virtual function bit report_info_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_error_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_warning_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_fatal_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
These hook methods can be defined in derived classes to perform additional actions when reports are issued. They are called only if the UVM_CALL_HOOK bit is specified in the action associated with the report. The default implementations return 1, which allows the report to be processed. If an override returns 0, then the report is not processed.
First, the report_hook method is called, followed by the severity severity specific hook (report_info_hook, etc.). If either hook method returns 0 then the report is not processed further.
virtual function void report_header( UVM_FILE file = 0 )
Prints version and copyright information. This information is sent to the command line if file is 0, or to the file descriptor file if it is not 0. The uvm_root::run_test task calls this method just before it component phasing begins.
virtual function void report_summarize( UVM_FILE file = 0 )
Outputs statistical information on the reports issued by the central report server. This information will be sent to the command line if file is 0, or to the file descriptor file if it is not 0.
The run_test method in uvm_top calls this method.
virtual function void die()
This method is called by the report server if a report reaches the maximum quit count or has an UVM_EXIT action associated with it, e.g., as with fatal errors.
Calls the uvm_component::pre_abort() method on the entire uvm_component hierarchy in a bottom-up fashion. It then call calls report_summarize and terminates the simulation with $finish.
function void set_report_verbosity_level ( int verbosity_level )
This method sets the maximum verbosity level for reports for this component. Any report from this component whose verbosity exceeds this maximum will be ignored.
function void set_report_id_verbosity ( string id, int verbosity )
function void set_report_severity_id_verbosity ( uvm_severity severity, string id, int verbosity )
These methods associate the specified verbosity with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. An verbosity associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over an verbosity associated with id, which take precedence over an an verbosity associated with a severity.
The verbosity argument can be any integer, but is most commonaly a predefined uvm_verbosity value, UVM_NONE, UVM_LOW, UVM_MEDIUM, UVM_HIGH, UVM_FULL.
function void set_report_severity_action ( uvm_severity severity, uvm_action action )
function void set_report_id_action ( string id, uvm_action action )
function void set_report_severity_id_action ( uvm_severity severity, string id, uvm_action action )
These methods associate the specified action or actions with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. An action associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over an action associated with id, which takes precedence over an an action associated with a severity.
The action argument can take the value UVM_NO_ACTION, or it can be a bitwise OR of any combination of UVM_DISPLAY, UVM_LOG, UVM_COUNT, UVM_STOP, UVM_EXIT, and UVM_CALL_HOOK.
function void set_report_severity_override( uvm_severity cur_severity, uvm_severity new_severity )
function void set_report_severity_id_override( uvm_severity cur_severity, string id, uvm_severity new_severity )
These methods provide the ability to upgrade or downgrade a message in terms of severity given severity and id. An upgrade or downgrade for a specific id takes precedence over an upgrade or downgrade associated with a severity.
function void set_report_default_file ( UVM_FILE file )
function void set_report_severity_file ( uvm_severity severity, UVM_FILE file )
function void set_report_id_file ( string id, UVM_FILE file )
function void set_report_severity_id_file ( uvm_severity severity, string id, UVM_FILE file )
These methods configure the report handler to direct some or all of its output to the given file descriptor. The file argument must be a multi-channel descriptor (mcd) or file id compatible with $fdisplay.
A FILE descriptor can be associated with with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. A FILE associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over a FILE associated with id, which take precedence over an a FILE associated with a severity, which takes precedence over the default FILE descriptor.
When a report is issued and its associated action has the UVM_LOG bit set, the report will be sent to its associated FILE descriptor. The user is responsible for opening and closing these files.
function int get_report_verbosity_level( uvm_severity severity = UVM_INFO, string id = "" )
Gets the verbosity level in effect for this object. Reports issued with verbosity greater than this will be filtered out. The severity and tag arguments check if the verbosity level has been modified for specific severity/tag combinations.
function int get_report_action( uvm_severity severity, string id )
Gets the action associated with reports having the given severity and id.
function int get_report_file_handle( uvm_severity severity, string id )
Gets the file descriptor associated with reports having the given severity and id.
function int uvm_report_enabled( int verbosity, uvm_severity severity = UVM_INFO, string id = "" )
Returns 1 if the configured verbosity for this severity/id is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not UVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0.
See also get_report_verbosity_level and get_report_action, and the global version of uvm_report_enabled.
function void set_report_max_quit_count( int max_count )
Sets the maximum quit count in the report handler to max_count. When the number of UVM_COUNT actions reaches max_count, the die method is called.
The default value of 0 indicates that there is no upper limit to the number of UVM_COUNT reports.
function void set_report_handler( uvm_report_handler handler )
Sets the report handler, overwriting the default instance. This allows more than one component to share the same report handler.
function uvm_report_handler get_report_handler()
Returns the underlying report handler to which most reporting tasks are delegated.
function void reset_report_handler
Resets the underlying report handler to its default settings. This clears any settings made with the set_report_* methods (see below).
function uvm_report_server get_report_server()
Returns the uvm_report_server instance associated with this report object.
function void dump_report_state()
This method dumps the internal state of the report handler. This includes information about the maximum quit count, the maximum verbosity, and the action and files associated with severities, ids, and (severity, id) pairs.
The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes.
virtual class uvm_object extends uvm_void
The uvm_report_object provides an interface to the UVM reporting facility.
class uvm_report_object extends uvm_object
Creates a new report object with the given name.
function new( string name = "" )
virtual function void uvm_report( uvm_severity severity, string id, string message, int verbosity = (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_ERROR)) ? UVM_LOW : (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_FATAL)) ? UVM_NONE : UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_info( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_warning( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function void uvm_report_error( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_LOW, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
These are the primary reporting methods in the UVM.
virtual function void uvm_report_fatal( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_NONE, string filename = "", int line = 0 )
virtual function bit report_info_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_error_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_warning_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
virtual function bit report_fatal_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
These hook methods can be defined in derived classes to perform additional actions when reports are issued.
virtual function bit report_hook( string id, string message, int verbosity, string filename, int line )
Prints version and copyright information.
virtual function void report_header( UVM_FILE file = 0 )
Outputs statistical information on the reports issued by the central report server.
virtual function void report_summarize( UVM_FILE file = 0 )
This method is called by the report server if a report reaches the maximum quit count or has an UVM_EXIT action associated with it, e.g., as with fatal errors.
virtual function void die()
This method sets the maximum verbosity level for reports for this component.
function void set_report_verbosity_level ( int verbosity_level )
function void set_report_id_verbosity ( string id, int verbosity )
These methods associate the specified verbosity with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair.
function void set_report_severity_id_verbosity ( uvm_severity severity, string id, int verbosity )
function void set_report_severity_action ( uvm_severity severity, uvm_action action )
function void set_report_id_action ( string id, uvm_action action )
These methods associate the specified action or actions with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair.
function void set_report_severity_id_action ( uvm_severity severity, string id, uvm_action action )
function void set_report_severity_override( uvm_severity cur_severity, uvm_severity new_severity )
These methods provide the ability to upgrade or downgrade a message in terms of severity given severity and id.
function void set_report_severity_id_override( uvm_severity cur_severity, string id, uvm_severity new_severity )
function void set_report_default_file ( UVM_FILE file )
function void set_report_severity_file ( uvm_severity severity, UVM_FILE file )
function void set_report_id_file ( string id, UVM_FILE file )
These methods configure the report handler to direct some or all of its output to the given file descriptor.
function void set_report_severity_id_file ( uvm_severity severity, string id, UVM_FILE file )
Gets the verbosity level in effect for this object.
function int get_report_verbosity_level( uvm_severity severity = UVM_INFO, string id = "" )
Gets the action associated with reports having the given severity and id.
function int get_report_action( uvm_severity severity, string id )
Gets the file descriptor associated with reports having the given severity and id.
function int get_report_file_handle( uvm_severity severity, string id )
Returns 1 if the configured verbosity for this severity/id is greater than verbosity and the action associated with the given severity and id is not UVM_NO_ACTION, else returns 0.
function int uvm_report_enabled( int verbosity, uvm_severity severity = UVM_INFO, string id = "" )
Sets the maximum quit count in the report handler to max_count.
function void set_report_max_quit_count( int max_count )
Sets the report handler, overwriting the default instance.
function void set_report_handler( uvm_report_handler handler )
Returns the underlying report handler to which most reporting tasks are delegated.
function uvm_report_handler get_report_handler()
Resets the underlying report handler to its default settings.
function void reset_report_handler
Returns the uvm_report_server instance associated with this report object.
function uvm_report_server get_report_server()
This method dumps the internal state of the report handler.
function void dump_report_state()
The uvm_report_catcher is used to catch messages issued by the uvm report server.
virtual class uvm_report_catcher extends uvm_callback
Phases all components through all registered phases.
virtual task run_test ( string test_name = "" )
This callback is executed when the message system is executing a UVM_EXIT action.
virtual function void pre_abort
The uvm_component class is the root base class for UVM components.
virtual class uvm_component extends uvm_report_object