Transaction Recording Streams

Transaction Recording Streams
uvm_tr_streamThe uvm_tr_stream base class is a representation of a stream of records within a uvm_tr_database.
uvm_text_tr_streamThe uvm_text_tr_stream is the default stream implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.


The uvm_tr_stream base class is a representation of a stream of records within a uvm_tr_database.

The record stream is intended to hide the underlying database implementation from the end user, as these details are often vendor or tool-specific.

The uvm_tr_stream class is pure virtual, and must be extended with an implementation.  A default text-based implementation is provided via the uvm_text_tr_stream class.

The uvm_tr_stream base class is a representation of a stream of records within a uvm_tr_database.
Class Hierarchy
Class Declaration
virtual class uvm_tr_stream extends uvm_object
Configuration API
get_dbReturns a reference to the database which contains this stream.
get_scopeReturns the scope supplied when opening this stream.
get_stream_type_nameReturns a reference to the database which contains this stream.
Stream APIOnce a stream has been opened via uvm_tr_database::open_stream, the user can close the stream.
closeCloses this stream.
freeFrees this stream.
is_openReturns true if this uvm_tr_stream was opened on the database, but has not yet been closed.
is_closedReturns true if this uvm_tr_stream was closed on the database, but has not yet been freed.
Transaction Recorder APINew recorders can be opened prior to the stream being closed.
open_recorderMarks the opening of a new transaction recorder on the stream.
get_recordersProvides a queue of all transactions within the stream.
get_handleReturns a unique ID for this stream.
get_stream_from_handleStatic accessor, returns a stream reference for a given unique id.
Implementation Agnostic API
do_openCallback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.
do_closeCallback triggered via close.
do_freeCallback triggered via free.
do_open_recorderMarks the beginning of a new record in the stream.


function new(
    string  name  =  "unnamed-uvm_tr_stream"



nameStream instance name


function uvm_tr_database get_db()

Returns a reference to the database which contains this stream.

A warning will be asserted if get_db is called prior to the stream being initialized via do_open.


function string get_scope()

Returns the scope supplied when opening this stream.

A warning will be asserted if get_scope is called prior to the stream being initialized via do_open.


function string get_stream_type_name()

Returns a reference to the database which contains this stream.

A warning will be asserted if get_stream_type_name is called prior to the stream being initialized via do_open.

Stream API

Once a stream has been opened via uvm_tr_database::open_stream, the user can close the stream.

Due to the fact that many database implementations will require crossing a language boundary, an additional step of freeing the stream is required.

A link can be established within the database any time between “Open” and “Free”, however it is illegal to establish a link after “Freeing” the stream.


function void close()

Closes this stream.

Closing a stream closes all open recorders in the stream.

This method will trigger a do_close call, followed by uvm_recorder::close on all open recorders within the stream.


function void free()

Frees this stream.

Freeing a stream indicates that the database can free any references to the stream (including references to records within the stream).

This method will trigger a do_free call, followed by uvm_recorder::free on all recorders within the stream.


function bit is_open()

Returns true if this uvm_tr_stream was opened on the database, but has not yet been closed.


function bit is_closed()

Returns true if this uvm_tr_stream was closed on the database, but has not yet been freed.

Transaction Recorder API

New recorders can be opened prior to the stream being closed.

Once a stream has been closed, requests to open a new recorder will be ignored (open_recorder will return null).


function uvm_recorder open_recorder(
    string  name,   
    time  open_time  =  0,
    string  type_name  =  ""

Marks the opening of a new transaction recorder on the stream.


nameA name for the new transaction
open_timeOptional time to record as the opening of this transaction
type_nameOptional type name for the transaction

If open_time is omitted (or set to 0), then the stream will use the current time.

This method will trigger a do_open_recorder call.  If do_open_recorder returns a non-null value, then the uvm_recorder::do_open method will be called in the recorder.

Transaction recorders can only be opened if the stream is open on the database (per is_open).  Otherwise the request will be ignored, and null will be returned.


function unsigned get_recorders(
    ref  uvm_recorder  q[$]

Provides a queue of all transactions within the stream.


qA reference to the queue of uvm_recorders

The get_recorders method returns the size of the queue, such that the user can conditionally process the elements.

uvm_recorder tr_q[$];
if (my_stream.get_recorders(tr_q)) begin
  // Process the queue...


function integer get_handle()

Returns a unique ID for this stream.

A value of 0 indicates that the recorder has been freed, and no longer has a valid ID.


static function uvm_tr_stream get_stream_from_handle(
    integer  id

Static accessor, returns a stream reference for a given unique id.

If no stream exists with the given id, or if the stream with that id has been freed, then null is returned.


protected virtual function void do_open(
    uvm_tr_database  db,
    string  scope,
    string  stream_type_name

Callback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.


dbDatabase which the stream belongs to
scopeOptional scope
stream_type_nameOptional type name for the stream

The do_open callback can be used to initialize any internal state within the stream, as well as providing a location to record any initial information about the stream.


protected virtual function void do_close()

Callback triggered via close.

The do_close callback can be used to set internal state within the stream, as well as providing a location to record any closing information.


protected virtual function void do_free()

Callback triggered via free.

The do_free callback can be used to release the internal state within the stream, as well as providing a location to record any “freeing” information.


protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(
    string  name,
    time  open_time,
    string  type_name

Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream.

Backend implementation of open_recorder


The uvm_text_tr_stream is the default stream implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.

The uvm_text_tr_stream is the default stream implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.
Class Hierarchy
Class Declaration
class uvm_text_tr_stream extends uvm_tr_stream
Implementation Agnostic API
do_openCallback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.
do_closeCallback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::close.
do_freeCallback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::free.
do_open_recorderMarks the beginning of a new record in the stream


function new(
    string  name  =  "unnamed-uvm_text_tr_stream"



nameInstance name


protected virtual function void do_open(
    uvm_tr_database  db,
    string  scope,
    string  stream_type_name

Callback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.


protected virtual function void do_close()

Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::close.


protected virtual function void do_free()

Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::free.


protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(
    string  name,
    time  open_time,
    string  type_name

Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream

Text-backend specific implementation.

virtual class uvm_tr_stream extends uvm_object
The uvm_tr_stream base class is a representation of a stream of records within a uvm_tr_database.
virtual class uvm_tr_database extends uvm_object
The uvm_tr_database class is intended to hide the underlying database implementation from the end user, as these details are often vendor or tool-specific.
class uvm_text_tr_stream extends uvm_tr_stream
The uvm_text_tr_stream is the default stream implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database.
class uvm_text_tr_database extends uvm_tr_database
The uvm_text_tr_database is the default implementation for the uvm_tr_database.
virtual class uvm_void
The uvm_void class is the base class for all UVM classes.
virtual class uvm_object extends uvm_void
The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes.
function new(
    string  name  =  "unnamed-uvm_tr_stream"
function uvm_tr_database get_db()
Returns a reference to the database which contains this stream.
function string get_scope()
Returns the scope supplied when opening this stream.
function string get_stream_type_name()
Returns a reference to the database which contains this stream.
function uvm_tr_stream open_stream(
    string  name,   
    string  scope  =  "",
    string  type_name  =  ""
Provides a reference to a stream within the database.
function void close()
Closes this stream.
function void free()
Frees this stream.
function bit is_open()
Returns true if this uvm_tr_stream was opened on the database, but has not yet been closed.
function bit is_closed()
Returns true if this uvm_tr_stream was closed on the database, but has not yet been freed.
function uvm_recorder open_recorder(
    string  name,   
    time  open_time  =  0,
    string  type_name  =  ""
Marks the opening of a new transaction recorder on the stream.
function unsigned get_recorders(
    ref  uvm_recorder  q[$]
Provides a queue of all transactions within the stream.
function integer get_handle()
Returns a unique ID for this stream.
static function uvm_tr_stream get_stream_from_handle(
    integer  id
Static accessor, returns a stream reference for a given unique id.
protected virtual function void do_open(
    uvm_tr_database  db,
    string  scope,
    string  stream_type_name
Callback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.
protected virtual function void do_close()
Callback triggered via close.
protected virtual function void do_free()
Callback triggered via free.
protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(
    string  name,
    time  open_time,
    string  type_name
Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream.
function void close(
    time  close_time  =  0
Closes this recorder.
function void free(
    time  close_time  =  0
Frees this recorder
protected virtual function void do_open(
    uvm_tr_stream  stream,
    time  open_time,
    string  type_name
Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder.
virtual class uvm_recorder extends uvm_object
Abstract class which defines the recorder API.
function new(
    string  name  =  "unnamed-uvm_text_tr_stream"
protected virtual function void do_open(
    uvm_tr_database  db,
    string  scope,
    string  stream_type_name
Callback triggered via uvm_tr_database::open_stream.
protected virtual function void do_close()
Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::close.
protected virtual function void do_free()
Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::free.
protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(
    string  name,
    time  open_time,
    string  type_name
Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream